Chronicling community action, revolutionary and revealing thought

Monday, July 03, 2006


Apparently, the namesake that inspired us to do the Lord of the Slums campaign here in Toronto, that garnered so much press attention earlier in the year, locally and internationally (even a Wikipedia entry and debate!)...

...has closed down.

Bad sales, for one.
It also was, oh, about THREE HOURS LONG.

Oh, yeah. Its world premiere here in Toronto received damning reviews. In a press conference, they tried saying if critics had seen it before they wrote about it it would have fared better.

Long-standing, widely read book out for decades, followed by widely-seen, blockbuster series of movies, combined with a modern audience attention span that made 4-hour, 3-hour movies virtually extinct... and you get...

Oh, whatever.

The irony, man.... our Lord of the Slums namesake, dead in the water!

